Can Dogs Eat Roo Meat? How a Kangaroo Diet Can Save Pups Who Are Allergic to Meat.
When we embarked on our journey to supply high-quality pet treats to pet owners in Singapore, we discovered that one in ten dogs had severe food allergies. Most of these dogs had some form of meat allergy, and they were unable to take common meat protein products such as beef, chicken, pork, and lamb.
Dogs require about two grams of protein for every kilogram of ideal body weight, and cats require four grams of protein for each kilogram of ideal body weight. That is a high amount of protein to feed our pets everyday. With meat allergies, dog owners would be extremely challenged to find protein alternatives in Singapore.
Fortunately, Australia, the land of Kangaroos or “Roos”, is only a stone’s throw away. There are approximately 55 million kangaroos in Australia, and almost all of them live in the wild, making kangaroo meat an organic source. Kangaroo meat is highly sought after by pet owners whose pets are allergic to common meat products, as it is a high-protein, free-range, and low-fat alternative that does not cause allergic reactions.
Is kangaroo meat safe for dogs and cats?
Kangaroos are strict herbivores, and it is proven by Australian scientists from the Ecological Society of Australia that consumption of roo meat by humans and pets is considered to be environmentally friendly. Kangaroo meat also provides 86% of protein and less than 2% of fat in each serving, which is the lowest fat percentage of any type of meat in the world. For reference, lean white chicken breast has 8% of fat per serving; therefore, kangaroo meat has 4 times less fat than the leanest parts of a chicken!
Kangaroo is definitely a meat of choice for many pawrents. The animal is commercially hunted due to overpopulation, and ethically harvested for their meat according to australian regulations. It is safe for both dogs and cats to consume on a regular basis, and many pet parents have been feeding kangaroo to their fur-children for years.
We <3 Cronchy Roo Riblets
Natural, high-quality, premium roo dental chews.
What are the benefits of kangaroo?
A Healthy Treat High in Vitamins & Minerals!
Kangaroo meat contains vitamins B12, Omega-3 fatty acids, Iron, and Zinc which helps in building a healthy immune system, improving digestion, and building strong bones for your pups. It is also high in antioxidants compared to other common meat proteins.
Weight Loss & Weight Control
Due to the high-protein and low-fat nature of its meat, many pawrents introduce Kangaroo in their fur-kid’s diet to regulate their weight. Therefore, you never need to worry about giving too many Kangaroo treats, but remember that moderation is always important to any diet.
Prevents Meat Allergies
As mentioned earlier, Kangaroo meat is the main protein in the meals of pups who are allergic to common meats such as beef, chicken, pork, or lamb. Free-range Kangaroo eat natural, untainted, and unprocessed foods in the wild, therefore having a better diet than most other commercially farmed animals.
Helps with Pancreatitis
The low-fat content of Kangaroo meat, being 2% or less, helps to fight against Pancreatitis in dogs and cats. Severe pancreatitis will cause your pets to suffer from symptoms including a loss of appetite, sickness, diarrhoea and lethargy. Remember that pancreatitis can be triggered by eating high fat foods, so watch what you feed your fur-kids!
Where can I find kangaroo products and pet treats in Singapore?
At BELLY UP, we are dedicated to bringing your furry friends organic, high-quality Kangaroo treats. Our Kangaroo products are sourced from the outback and bush of Australia; ethically harvested and processed according to the strict regulations of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service.
In addition to all the nutritious benefits, our low-temperature air-dried kangaroo treats are a great dental chew for your pets. It helps to remove plaque and tartar from your dog’s and cat’s teeth and improves dental health.
Try BELLY UP Australian Free-Range Roo Products Today!
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